White Papers

White papers are a critical component of B2B content marketing campaigns. Publishing a series of white papers builds a reputation as an industry leader and provider of expertise, while encouraging other businesses to engage you personally. Over 70 percent of businesses use white papers as a form of content marketing. And, 50 percent of businesses rank them as one of the three most-effective ways to achieve objectives. Additionally, white papers can be repurposed as blog posts, guest posts, social media quotes, LinkedIn articles, video content, slideshows, and can be used for Quora marketing.

blockchain in public goods allocation

In this white paper, Dr. Andreas Freund and Lewis Cohen re-imagine the equitable allocation of public goods through tokenization. Additionally, the paper introduces a novel, fair method of tokenizing impure public goods that carry some degree of scarcity.

introducing Elle

Blockchain researcher Mario Alvarez introduces ElleCore. Elle-Core captures structured programming abstractions and enables their translation to Ethereum EVM bytecode through a verified compiler.

Cryptographer and blockchain researcher Amira Bouguera shares insights on quantum computing, its potential risk for Ethereum, and the efforts underway to standardize quantum-resistant public-key cryptographic algorithms.

Software usage analytics enables you to collect, analyze, visualize, and integrate data on how users use software applications. Gartner predicts that by 2021, 75% of software providers will rely on insights from embedded software usage analytics to inform product management decisions and measure customer health.

Many people in the blockchain space believe that decentralized finance (Defi) will bring about mass adoption. In this white paper, Dr. Andreas Freund presents a controversial idea; Defi will not lend itself to blockchain mass adoption, rather, decentralized brand economies will be the key to widespread blockchain use.